About Smart Marriages Conference INSTITUTES - prices, CE, who should attend, spouse discounts, materials, suggested reading, etc. Note that the Training Institutes are just one small part of the conference. There are also 23 keynotes and 140 breakout sessions. The Institutes are pre and post sessions, before and after the General Conference. (Obviously, the Conference is no longer happening. We leave this page for the links to Training Program's sites.)
Three-day institutes: Tues, Wed, Thurs July 6, 7, & 8
Two-day Institutes: Wed & Thurs, July 7 & 8 pre-conference
and/or Mon & Tues July 12 & 13 post-conference
One-day Institutes: Thurs, July 8 and/or Mon, July 12
Training Institutes - Smart Marriages/Happy Families
These training sessions qualify you to teach the programs; administer assessment tools;
and/or use the materials or techniques in your clinical setting.
You do not need to be a mental health professional - anyone can be trained as an instructor.
The public is also invited to attend – even if becoming an instructor is not your goal, attend to strengthen
your own relationship or marriage.
Select from 35 different Institute sessions. 18 pre-conference, 17 post-conference.
7.5 CE per day.
The institutes are all presented "live and in person". It can be confusing when
it says "DVD-based", but that is just a description about the program
you are being trained to present - meaning DVDs are part of the package/materials.
The presenters, as listed, will appear in-person
to instruct you on how to use their DVDs, powerpoints, etc. to teach their program.
PLEASE visit Institute links for details about what you'll be prepared to teach; materials you will receive - or that you will need to purchase; program certifications; and links to each program's headquarters to better understand the trainings.
Training Institutes are highly intensive, skills-focused sessions and will not be recorded.
Pre - Conference Training Institutes
101 Three Days - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday July 6, 7, 8
PREP 7.0
Howard Markman, PhD, Scott Stanley, PhD
Qualify to teach PREP 7.0 – personality types, stress management, mutual support,
and love-styles included along with classic PREP concepts. Perfect for pre-engaged
through long-married couples. 52 activities, video clips, and class discussion will
further your ability to help couples enhance their relationships and decrease their
odds of divorce. $150 spouse discount. Discount couples will receive two leader
manuals but will share the instructor kit and book. Active Relationships Military Training
Kelly Simpson, MA, Anthony Landry, MA
Assist Military singles, marrieds & families! Leave certified in 6 programs: Military Life &
Resiliency Skills (singles or couples), Active Families, ARYA (Youth), Active Adults (civilian
Singles, Dads & Moms), Active Choices (Pre-Marital) and Active Marriage. Spanish and
Christian editions. Active Money also available. $150 spouse discount.
See Advanced Training #916 Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/simpson.html
103 Three Days - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, July 6, 7, 8
Family Wellness: Skills for Families in Changing Times
George Doub, MDiv, Ana Morante, MS, CFLE An effective, practical model for educators, clergy, military, community and clinical practitioners
to teach individuals, couples, and whole families key skills for healthy marriage and family life.
Core theory and coaching skills demonstrated and practiced. Multicultural, minority
and alternative families $150 spouse discount. Couples receive two instructor's manuals.
See Advanced Training #917
Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/doub.html
104 Three Days - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, July 6, 7, 8 World Class Marriage
Patty Howell, EdM, Ralph Jones, David D'Leon, MA
Qualify to teach this evidence-based, fun & easy-to-teach program that's getting rave reviews
in California as a launch course for marriage programming. Attracts large groups, including Hispanics.
For all ages/stages of marriage. Attend with your partner and experience the impact.
$150 spouse discount.
Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/worldclass.html
105 Two Day - Wednesday & Thursday, July 7 & 8 - No Spouse Discount
The Gottman Method: Level I: Bridging the Chasm
Vagdevi Meunier, PsyD
Learn the renowned research-based Gottman approach to help couples
compassionately manage their conflicts, deepen their friendship and
intimacy, and share their life purpose and dreams. Includes a 300-page Clinical
Manual with new relationship assessment questionnaires and clinical
interventions. View new films from the Gottmans' clinical office.
For use only in clinical settings. No spouse discount.
Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/gottman.html
106 Two Days - Wednesday & Thursday, July 7 & 8
Mastering the Mysteries of Love
107 Two Days - Wednesday & Thursday, July 7 & 8
Basic Training for Black Couples and Singles - As seen on CNN "Black in America 2"
Rozario Slack, DMin, Nisa Muhammad
Learn to teach two programs to help couples and singles in the Black community
understand the benefits of marriage, communicate better, manage their conflict and
increase their intimacy. Includes presentation and marketing skills and materials.
$100 spouse discount. Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/basic.html
108 Two Days - Wednesday & Thursday, July 7 & 8PREP: Winning in the Workplace
Tim Gardner, MA, DMin, Jack Myrick
Qualify to teach the proven methods of the PREP program in this curriculum that addresses
the unique challenges of teaching relationship skills in the workplace. Expand your audience.
Help companies improve communication, teamwork, conflict management, job satisfaction, cultivate
energized and collaborative employees and increase workplace efficiency and productivity.
$100 spouse discount. Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/prep.workplace.html
109 Two Days - Wednesday & Thursday, July 7 & 8
Stepping Together in Stepfamilies
110 Two Days - Wednesday & Thursday, July 7 & 8
CompassionPower Boot Camp & Love Without Hurt
Steven Stosny, PhD
Qualify to teach the intensive 3-day Boot Camp to reduce anger, resentment and
emotional abuse as well as the "Love Without Hurt" 8-hr program to add to any marriage
education course - designed to recognize & prevent domestic violence and child abuse.
These programs include emotional regulation skills that make it easier to learn marriage skills.
If you don't want to teach the classes, use the skills in clinical work or any setting. $100 spouse discount.
Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/stosny.html
111 Two Days - Wednesday & Thursday, July 7 & 8
Couple Communication: Collaborative Marriage Skills
Sherod Miller, PhD & Phyllis Miller, PhD
Teach Couple Communication I & II programs plus CORE for singles. Learn to
coach 11 classic talking & listening skills, an effective collaborative conflict-resolving
process, and practical anger management strategies using powerful skills mats.
Introduces THRIVE, the Collaborative Marriage Sphere "Reflectment". Marketing methods.
$100 spouse discount. SEE Institute #909.
Click for more information:http://www.smartmarriages.com/miller.html
112 Two Days - Wednesday & Thursday, July 7 & 8
IMAGO: Couplehood Programs, Connects, & Conflict to Connection
Harville Hendrix, PhD and Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD
Learn to coach couples using the transformative power of Imago Dialogue as you qualify to teach
three programs: 9-hr Couplehood Programs (General, Christian & Jewish versions); the 3-hr
IMAGOConnects; and "Through Conflict to Connection" 1 to 5 hr kit. For congregations & communities.
$100 spouse discount. Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/imago.html
113 Two Days - Wednesday & Thursday, July 7 & 8
Marriage Links
John Van Epp, PhD
Become certified: teach couples of any stage how to pace a relationship
with the Relationship Attachment Model (RAM) to stay connected in
communication, trust, sex, and mutuality. Teach groups in churches, schools
& the military. $100 spouse discount.
Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/links.html
114 Two Day - Wednesday & Thursday, July 7 & 8
The Blueprint: A Guide to Family Stability & Economic Success
Joe Jones, Cassandra Codes-Johnson, MA, James Worthy, Center for Urban Families (CFUF)
Qualify to teach healthy relationship & marriage skills, financial literacy and family planning
to urban families and leave equipped with expertise in program planning, implementation,
115 Two Days - Wednesday & Thursday, July 7 & 8
Torn Asunder & Close Calls: Mending & Preventing Infidelity
(Subtitle: DRUNK WITH LOVE: Infatuation, Emotional Affairs, and Sleeping Around)
Dave Carder, MA
Qualify as an instructor to teach two programs Torn Asunder & Close Calls with a structure
to stabilize marriages in the first critical 90 days; differentiate types of infidelity; start forgiveness
and trust building; and to help others avoid the slippery slope. $100 spouse discount.
Click for more information:http://www.smartmarriages.com/carder.html
116 Two Days - Wednesday & Thursday, July 7 & 8
Lynda Madison, PhD, Bob Thome, MSW
Learn to administer these practical, user-friendly, self-diagnosing instruments in individual or
group marriage preparation and enrichment settings and qualify to train others in their use.
Includes family-of-origin issues and special applications for cohabiting, remarriage, interfaith,
and dual-career couples. $100 spouse discount.
Click for more information:http://www.smartmarriages.com/foccus.html
117 Two Days - Wednesday & Thursday, July 7 & 8
Love Notes
Marline Pearson, MA
We can't wait until they have their 1st (or 2nd) child, or are ready to come as a couple. Target
youth 16-24 at risk for unplanned pregnancy and single parenting (or already pregnant or
parenting) to engage them (including males) on healthy relationships, sexual meaning &
choices, and an approach to pregnancy prevention that builds on the importance of fathers in
the lives of their children. $100 spouse discount.
Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/love.notes.html
118 One Day - Thursday, July 8
Toward A Growing Marriage & The Five Love Languages
Gary Chapman, PhD
Gain practical ideas to create a Marriage Ministry in your church that will help
couples build strong marriage and thriving families. Leave equipped to teach the
Growing Marriage or the Five Love Languages programs. Or, attend simply to
spend the day with Gary Chapman to strengthen and grow your own marriage or
relationship. $50 spouse discount.
Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/chapman.html
Post - Conference Training Institutes
901 Two Day - Monday & Tuesday, July 12 & 13
Within Our Reach 8 Hours
Jeff Erlacher, MA, Lawrence Ramos
Teach the curriculum from PREP designed to help fragile/economically disadvantaged
couples achieve their goals in relationships, family, and marriage. The challenge of
getting enough contact time with couples is minimized with this condensed, high-impact format.
$100 spouse discount. Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/WOR8
902 Two Day - Monday & Tuesday, July 12 & 13
Adventures in Marriage
Lori Gordon, PhD, MSW, Richard Albertson, Rob Harrison, MA
Qualify to teach this new program for couples that combines Christian principles with
Passage to Intimacy skills for confiding, resolving conflict, expressing anger, and
understanding how personality styles impact relationships. $100 spouse discount.
Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/adventures.html
903 Two Day - Monday & Tuesday, July 12 & 13
Mastering the Mysteries of Stepfamilies (MMS)
Nancy Landrum, MA
Qualify to teach couples how to build and maintain successful, satisfying stepfamilies.
Combine Mastering the Mysteries of Love (MML) skills with critical stepfamily information
in an easy-to-teach program. Open to all - educators, clinicians, clergy, the public. Mastering the Mysteries of Stepfamilies is a ten-hour curriculum that can be added to any marriage or relationship education program! $100 spouse discount. Click for more information:http://www.smartmarriages.com/MMS.html
904 Two Day - Monday & Tuesday, July 12 & 13
The 8 Habits of a Successful Marriage
Jane & John Covey, EdD, MBA
This powerful marriage curriculum equips couples not only to implement life-changing
habits, but teach their children through fun, simple, self-discovery activities. Marriage
training has never been easier, more fun or more effective! Replace boring, lecture-oriented
approaches with this engaging, experience-based curriculum. Used with great success in
military settings. $100 spouse discount.
For license details, click: http://www.smartmarriages.com/eight.habits.training.html
905 Two Day - Monday & Tuesday, July 12 & 13
Life Coaching with Couples: The NEW Profession
Pat Williams, EdD, Mike Lillibridge, PhD
Learn the basics of Life Coaching, the PEOPLEMAP personalities assessment, and the skills to coach
couples to create a more fulfilling relationship. Includes skills practice, demonstration
and practice-building tips. $100 spouse discount.
Click for more information: http:www.smartmarriages.com/williams.html
906 Two Day - Monday & Tuesday, July 12 & 13
How to Avoid Falling For a Jerk
John Van Epp, PhD
Become certified: teach singles of all ages how to pace a relationship
with the Relationship Attachment Model (RAM) and select a life partner.
Teach groups in churches, schools & in the military. $100 spouse discount.
Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/jerk.html
907 Two Day - Monday & Tuesday, July 12 & 13
Love's Cradle
Mary Ortwein, MS
Learn how shared love for a child plus simplified Relationship Enhancement/MML
skills can build trust and commitment and nurture permanent bonds in low-income
couples. $100 spouse discount.
Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/loves.cradle.html
908 Two Day - Monday & Tuesday, July 12 & 13
Hold Me Tight: Sue Johnson's Emotionally Focused Interventions
Kathryn Rheem, MS, George Faller, MS
Understand Sue Johnson's exquisite logic of love – the concept of "effective dependency"; cycles
that sabotage connection; music of the dance; and how to shape conversations to
foster a secure lasting bond. Use the principles from Emotionally Focused Therapy in
your Hold Me Tight classes or in clinical settings.
Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/eft.10.html
909 Two Day - Monday & Tuesday, July 12 & 13
Keeping FAITH (Keeping Families And Inmates Together in Harmony)
Ron & Cathy Tijerina, Sherod Miller, PhD
Teach this prison reentry program that combines Couple Communication and fatherhood
skills to reduce recidivism by 62% – and create safer communities. $100 spouse discount.
See Institute #111.
Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/keeping.faith.html 910 One Day - Monday, July 12
Paradoxes of Desire
Esther Perel, MA
Why does great sex so often fade for couples who continue to love each other
as much as ever? Why does good intimacy not guarantee good sex? Can we want
what we already have? Why does the transition to parenthood so often spell
erotic disaster in couples? Why is the forbidden so erotic? When you love,
how does it feel, and when you desire, how is it different?
Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/perel.html
911 One Day - Monday, July 12
Working with Couples and Sexual Addiction
Mark Laaser, PhD, MDiv
Learn crucial tools for working with couples that are dealing with the pain of sexual addiction.
Recognize the symptoms and develop a recovery plan for the addict, spouse and couple.
$50 spouse discount. Click for more information:http://www.smartmarriages.com/laaser.html
912 One Day - Monday, July 12
PREPARE/ENRICH: New Customized Version
Peter Larson, PhD, Matthew Turvey, PsyD Help couples prepare for marriage and enrich their relationships with the new customized
PREPARE/ENRICH assessments. Qualifies you to administer, interpret and give feedback on
the couple inventories. Includes all training materials: Resource Kit, DVDs, CD Manual, Sample
Reports, Couple's Workbook, Resource Guide and 1 Free PREPARE/ENRICH Scoring.
$50 spouse discount. Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/olson.html
913 One Day - Monday, July 12 Money Habitudes
Syble Solomon, MEd
The truth is that money – the actual dollar amount – is not the #1 cause of conflict in marriage.
A unique card deck gives couples & individuals life-changing insights into their attitudes about money.
Teach groups, use with individuals, couples, youth, or add to any marriage program.
$50 spouse discount. Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/money.habitudes.html
914 One Day - Monday, July 12 - NO CE
Fundraising & Marketing 2.0
915 One Day - Monday, July 12 - No CE
Tech Boot Camp
Marc Payan
We can't change the world unless we reach it! Learn to use the latest low/no
cost tools to appeal to 21st Century wired couples through Facebook, Blogs, Twitter,
Widgets, etc. $50 spouse discount
Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/payan.html
916 One Day - Monday, July 12
Active Relationships Advanced Training
Kelly Simpson, MA, Anthony Landry, MA, Karen Aznak
Program updates, teach-back practice, marketing ideas, research. Leave
confident and energized. AR-certified facilitators only. See #102 $50 spouse discount.
Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/AR.advanced.html
917 One Day - Monday, July 12
Family Wellness Advanced Training
Ana Morante, MS, CFLE, Erin Simile, MS, CFLE
Sharpen interactive techniques proven effective for teaching, training and counseling including
role play, sculpt, and coaching. FW certified instructors only. Get re-certified for 4 years.
See #103. $50 spouse discount.
Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/fw.advanced.html
The institutes are part of the week-long Smart Marriages conference.
For Conference Details, to download a conference brochure, REGISTER ONLINE, hotel & travel information & discounts, etc