Active Relationships (AR) Leader Update & Practice
Kelly Simpson, MA, Anthony Landry, MA, Karen Anzak

This training is for people already certified in Active Relationships who wish to update their skills and learn program updates and innovations or have the opportunity to teach-back to peer facilitators. This includes participants who are trained at the 2010 AR PRE-Institute #102 who are not only welcomed but strongly encouraged to attend because of the opportunity to take part in teach-backs and interact with experienced AR colleagues.
The institute will highlight the use of AR programs in communities for Military, Spanish-Speaking, Head Start, Fatherhood, High Schools, Incarcerated Settings, Faith-based and uses for Entire Families via the newest one-day program called Active Families.
This training will offer an overview of the range of AR programs (including newest offerings), define topic areas included within each program, and provide explanations regarding suitability for specific populations.
AR facilitators who attend this training will gain the opportunity to learn from Master Trainers and fellow facilitators' latest innovations for presenting key material. Teach-back time allotted for attendees who wish to present, will allow for confidence-building and new ideas among peers. It is an opportunity to enhance standards of excellence through valuable feedback elicited from three Master Trainers and fellow facilitators.
The institute day will be enhanced by a discussion of marketing successes and ideas for filling classes and by the exchange of information on mutual interests and stories of impact in various communities.
 Kelly Simpson has developed the curricula from first-hand experience leading relationship education
 since 1997. The Active Relationships programs are widely utilized for Army, Air Force, National Guard and Reserve military personnel and are used in state and federally funded healthy marriage, Head Start and Refugee grants and for English and Spanish-speaking communities. AR programs are used in Faith-Based arenas, High Schools and in detention arenas and shelters. The programs are used for youth, single adults, fathers and mothers as well as for couples and entire Families to learn healthy relationships skills.
 The institute will include the most important theories, teachings and techniques of AR including: 
emotion and anger management, conflict resolution,
 military life skills, how to’s for working with groups of entire families. Highlights: Information on the new Active Family program for parents and children, the new Immigrant Program, Active Refugees and Immigrants, key Military program updates, program uses for Fathers, marketing successes and ideas, research outcomes in various populations and stories of remarkable impact.
 “Active Families” (whole families) “Active Choices” (pre-marital) and “Active Marriage and Best Practices” (couples), “Active Military Life and Resiliency Skills” (for singles or couples) a program specifically for military members and their families, “Active Refugee and Immigrants”, a mentoring program for refugee and immigrant families “ARYA,” a youth program, “Active Adults” a program for single adults, fathers, mothers *Active Adults program has been used successfully in Spanish and in English in the following settings: Dentention Centers, Prisons, Agencies for Homeless Persons, Agencies for Enhancing father’s relationships with their children.
Tools and lectures include:
- Updated agendas and how to’s for each specific program
- Facilitation skills on key topics for emotion and anger management, conflict resolution, military life skills
- Peer feedback
- Innovations for teaching key subject matter
- Effective marketing strategies
- Latest research
What you will receive:
 You will receive updated agendas, content comparison charts, updated PowerPoints for all listed programs, DVD training sets for each program in which a DVD set exists. You will receive a certificate to indicate that you are up-to-date on AR programming and facilitation methodology.
You will also receive (upon request) Training DVD’s in Spanish if applicable.
Total value of institute materials exceeds $500. ARC offers this comprehensive package of PPT and DVD training sets at no other conference except Smart Marriages.
About Kelly Simpson:
 Kelly Simpson, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, is director of the Active Relationships Center in Dallas, Texas a 2006 federal HMI award recipient. Recent military work has included trainings for the Army, National Guard and for Air Force Europe. Simpson also works as technical consultant for HIAS, a national refugee organization assisting refugee agencies in establishing healthy marriage programming and implementation. She is nationally recognized for her work with couples to
 promote marriage education ranging from communication and conflict resolution, to romance. Simpson is also the founder of the HISPANIC Active Relationships Project that was awarded a healthy marriage grant in 2006 and has been named for promising practices by contractors for the Healthy Marriages Promising Practices initiative. A lifetime certified teacher of the deaf, Simpson has blended the best of the best relationships skills for marriage education for youth. She has authored numerous articles and has been featured in national media including NBC Nightly News, FOX, CBS, Wall Street Journal, Dallas Business Journal, Dallas Morning News, and Psychology Today. A frequent lecturer, Simpson has been an author and faculty member of the State Bar of Texas Advanced Family Law Seminar. She conducts international professional trainings for mental health professionals, agencies, military personnel, clergy and lay leaders as well as Active Relationships classes for couples, singles, and youth.
About Anthony Landry: Anthony Landry is a Master Trainer for Active Relationships and is retired Army (LTC). He holds a Masters in Public Administration and an undergraduate degree in Computer Science. Anthony has served as Professor of Military Science at the University of Houston, as a Division Supervisor at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, as a Sr. Army Advisor and as a Commander for a Multiple Launch Rocket Battery. He is currently active in the Houston Marriage Initiative leading classes and facilitating networks to assist military personnel and civilians with relationship education. Anthony enjoys a long lasting healthy marriage with Tami and they are the parents of two sons.
About Karen Anzak:
Karen Anzak, is a Master Trainer for Active Relationships programs. Ms. Anzak, a leader in the Hispanic community of the Texas Rio Grande Valley, trains Active Relationships professionals in both English and her native Spanish. A professional translator and ordained minister, her experience also includes science and medical technology. Her passion for teaching is widely appreciated. Born in Guatemala, she immigrated to the United States while in her teens and currently serves as Associate Director of Public Relations and Training for the Hispanic healthy marriage project (H.A.R.P.) in Cameron County, Texas. She and husband Bobby are proud parents of three children.

Active Relationships “Up-to-date” Status
: Upon completion of the institute, participants will receive a certificate demonstrating status as “current” on updated programming and methodology. This certificate demonstrates an interest in maintaining a standard for excellence and best practices through continuing education. For those facilitators wishing to maintain or to gain TRAINER status in the future, this certificate will be considered with favor in the determination to confer or retain such status.
Train the Trainer Track- (to train other professionals):
Train the Trainer tracks are available for qualified applicants who complete the steps to advance from level one upward toward becoming an AR Master Trainer. See website or call ARC for details for becoming a trainer for Active Relationships. 877.724.7789
or email to

Attending with your Spouse:

Spouse discount: $50 off for spouse when taking the institute together and sharing one set of materials. For more information see or call (1-877-724-7789).

Evaluation comments from past attendees at the Smart Marriages Active Relationships Institutes:

· “Presented in a way that makes it so logical and understandable.”
· “The best that I have seen in the manner the program was written and organized.”

· “A program that addresses multicultural needs across the board.”
· “This program exceeded my expectations.” 

· “The best of all the marriage education programs rolled up in one program for the military.”
· Presenter’s Knowledge: Great.

Rating: I give this one a 10 on a 5-point scale!”

· “This program is perfect for my needs as a Head Start Parent Involvement Coordinator. I love the way that it is designed and structured. It is easy to follow and use.”

· “Great. It’s good to be trained by the author.” 

· “This workshop is the best choice for professional counselors, social workers etc, because it combines best practices and also includes very unique sections.”
· “Very well organized; clear…Am packed with information, group exercises and fun!”

For additional information on Active Relationships programs,
or to view leader materials visit:

This institute is part of the week-long Smart Marriages conference.
Conference Details: download a conference brochure, Register ONLINE, hotel & travel information & discounts, etc.
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