Articles and Information
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Smart Marriages conference keynote addesses
Papers, Presentations & Reports
Research and Statistics
Legislation and Government Initiatives
Relationship Tips and Guidelines - Are You Smart Enough to Have a Smart Marriage?
Marriage articles in the Popular Press - Helpful information about how to make your marriage or relationship successful.
Marriage: Health and Workplace
Stepfamilies/Children of Divorce
School/Youth Programs
1. Smart Marriages Conference Keynote Addresses - these are transcripts of selected keynotes. For recordings of over 200 keynote sessions click here:
- How Therapy Can be Hazardous to Your Marital Health - William Doherty, Keynote Address, Smart Marriages Washington, DC
- Intentional Marriage: Your Rituals Will Set You Free - William Doherty, Keynote Address, Smart Marriages Conference Denver,
- The Essential Humility of Marriage -Terry Hargrave, Keynote Address, Smart Marriages Conference Denver
• What is it with Men and Commitment? - Scott Stanley, Keynote, Smart Marriages Washington, DC
• Take Back Your Marriage - Bill Doherty, Keynote Address, Smart Marriages Orlando
- • Review of Smart Marriages/Happy Families 1999 Annual Conference - Threshold magazine, No 62: Feature
• Breaking the Cycle of Divorce - Pat Love and Kathleen McFadden, Keynote Address, Smart Marriages Atlanta
2.Papers, Presentations & Reports: Overview of the Coalition and Marriage Education Paradigm
- An Optimistic View of the Future of Marriage - Diane Sollee, Opening Address, Communitarian Conference, Washington, DC, 1996
- No Joy In Splitsville - Ariel Levy,New York Magazine**Overview of the founding of the Coalition, 1997
- Rescuing Marriages Before They Begin - Hara Marano, The New York Time
- Marriage Merger : Left and Right join forces to strengthen marriage- Lynn Vincent, World Magazine, Feb 10, 2001
- Acting On What We Know: The Hope of Prevention - Scott Stanley & Howard Markman**Includes Bibliography
- African American Marriage Bibliography -- Dana Reichert
- Dan Quayle Was Right - Barbara Dafoe Wihtehead, Atlantic Monthly, 1993
- How Therapy Can be Hazardous to Your Marital Health - William Doherty, Keynote Address, Smart Marriages Conference
- Bad Couples Therapy: How to Avoid It - William Doherty, Psychotherapy Networker, Dec 2002
- How Therapists Threaten Marriages - William Doherty, The Responsive Community
- The Anti-Divorce Revolution - Pia Nordlinger,The Weekly Standard
- Retrouvaille: There's No Such Thing As A Hopeless Case - Bill & Peg Zwaan, Keynote, Smart Marriages Conference
- Intentional Marriage: Your Rituals Will Set You Free - William Doherty, Keynote/Banquet, Smart Marriages Conference, Denver,
- The Essential Humility of Marriage - Terry Hargrave, Keynote Address, Smart Marriages Conference Denver
- Why Marriage Matters - Greater Grand Rapids Community Marriage Policy
- • Should We Live Together?: What Young Adults Need To Know -David Popenoe & Barbara Whitehead, The National Marriage Project
• The State of Our Unions: The Social Health of Marriage in America -Popenoe & Whitehead, National Marriage Project - Manual to Create a Marriage Savers Church - Mike McManus
- Review of Current Events in the Marriage Movement/ January - September, 1999 -John Crouch Americans for Divorce Reform
- Review of Smart Marriages/Happy Families 1999 Annual Conference - Threshold magazine, No 62: Feature
- Experts Concerned About Social Cost of Family Collapse - Cheryl Wetzstein, The Washington Times
- Good News/Bad News - press release July 1999
- Being A Full-Time Dad Means Being A Husband - Wade Horn, The Washington Times, May 30, 2000
- Take a Vow to Promote Benefits of Marriage- Wade Horn, The Washington Times
- President's Program for Fathers Misses Marriage Mark- Wade Horn, The Washington Times, Feb 29, 2000
- Don't Force Teen to Visit: Custody & Visitation-Wade Horn, The Washington Times, Dec 28, 2000
- Making Marriage Matter: Gov Frank Keating - Sept 2000
- The Marriage Movement: A Statement of Principl - The full document. Add your name as a signatory of the statement.
- The Marriage Movement: A Statement of Principles- Press Release, June 29, 2000, Denver Smart Marriages Conference
- Making Marriage A Political Issue - Mike McManus, Sept 1, 2000
- The Case for Marriage They Don't Want You to Hear - Maggie Gallagher, columnist, Oct 4, 2000
- Men Explode: A Special Report on Men and Rage - includes Steven Stosny Compassion Workshops, Esquire, Sept 2000
- Couples to Mentor Other Couples - Bill Lohmann, Richmond Times-Dispatch, Oct 24, 2000
- Giving Marriage Insurance to the Engaged: Mentors - Mike McManus, Oct 4, 2001
- Take Back Your Marriage: A Challenge to Couples, Congregations, and Communities - Bill Doherty, Keynote Address, Smart Marriages Orlando
- Marriage Education & Government Policy: Helping Couples Who Choose Marriage - Stanley, Markman, Jenkins, 2002
- A Plea for Greater Concern about the Quality of Marital Matchmaking - Norval Glenn, 2001
- Response to "The Death of 'Till Divorce Do Us Part' - Frank Pittman, July 2002
- Reducing Domestic Violence: How the Healthy Marriage Initiative Can Help - Robert Rector, Melissa Pardue: Heritage Foundation
• What is it with Men and Commitment? - Scott Stanley
3. Research and Statistics:
- Acting On What We Know: The Hope of Prevention -Scott Stanley & Howard Markman**Includes Bibliography
- Selected Bibliograpy Compiled by Scot Stanley -Marriage, Prevention and The Theory Underlying PREP -University of Denver, April, 2000
- Divorce Statistics and Interpretation - Scott Stanley and Paul Amato, November, 1998
- Facts About Marital Distress and Divorce - Scott Stanley & Howard Markman, June, 1997
- Divorce Stats - Glenn Stanton, Why Marriage Matters,September, 1997
- Marriage and Family Fact Sheet -John Paul II Consortium on Marriage and the Family, 1999
- A Few Facts on Cohabitation - C ohabitation website
- Marriage and Family Research Database - Heritage Foundation
- A collection of links to measures in the public domain (free) including the acutal instruments
4. Legislation and Government Initiatives:
- Can Governments Save Marriages? - Scott Stanley & Howard Markman
- How States Can Strengthen Marriage: Suggestions for Marriage Strengthening and Preservation Legislation - Diane Sollee
- Use Welfare Money to Promote Marriage - Wade Horn
- Can Legislation Lower the Divorce Rate - Blankenhorn, McManus, Spaht, & Stanley,Smart Marriages Conference
- Congressional Seminar on Marriage -Cheryl Wetzstein, The Washington Times
- Promise of Reducing Poverty May Be Found Inside Marriage Vows - Los Angeles Times
- Can the Government Prevent Divorce? - Francine Russo, Atlantic Monthly
- Florida Passes Sweeping Reform Of Marriage Law -Mike McManus
- Florida's New Marriage License Guidelines- Clerk of the Court
- Schools to Teach The Lessons of Marriage - Karen Peterson, USA Today
- Divorce: Laws, Stats & Legislation - John Crouch, Americans for Divorce Reform
- Perspectives on Covenant Marriage - Alan Hawkins, The Family in America"
- Florida Governor Bush First to Endorse Community Marriage Policy- Mike McManus
- Louisiana Marriage Proclamation -Governor Mike Foster
- Texas Legislative Whitepaper on Marriage and Divorce - Texas Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
- States Act to Save Marriages Before the 'I Dos - Pam Belleck, NY Times
- Proposed Maryland Marriage Education Legislation of 2001- sponsored by Leopold and Montague,
- Proposed New Mexico Marriage Education Legislation of 2001 -Senators Boitano and Gorham, January
- Testimony to House Ways and Means on TANF reauthorizaion regarding marriage strengthening - Theo Ooms, May 22, 2001
5. Relationship Guidelines and Tips:
- Are You Smart Enough to Have a Smart Marriage? - interview & ten tips, Diane Sollee
- Love Lessons and Temperature Reading Skills - Smart Marriages Conference, Playback
- Marriage Makeover - Molly Hanson, New Woman,*first-person account - attended PAIRS program
- Can We End Divorce? - Elise Pettus, SWING**first-person account - attended PREP course
- How A Refrigerator Magnet Saved My Marriage - David Abrams, **first-person account - attended PREP course
- Keeping The Romance Alive - On Attending the Hot Monogamy Program, Style - first-person account
- Keeping It Together- Shirley Barnes, Chicago Tribune
- Building A Better Marriage -Shirley Barnes, Chicago Tribune(follow-up to piece above)
- Shattered Vows: Getting Beyond Betrayal - Shirley Glass, Psychology Today
- "Rx For Troubled Marriage"-Donna Jackson, New Woman
- Menu for a Successful Marriage - poster/ad Greater Grand Rapids Community Marriage Policy
- Twelve Tips for A Great Relationship, Relate - Australia Commonwealth Government
- Advice on Drafting a Pre-nuptial Agreement - Stan Posthumus
- How To Make a Good Marriage Great - Habits that can make all the difference - Mary Ganske, Women's Day
- One of the Secrets for a Great Marriage - Bob Burg, "Winning Without Intimidation."
- Intentional Marriage: Your Rituals Will Set You Free - William Doherty, Keynote/Banquet, Smart Marriages Conference, Denver,
- The Essential Humility of Marriage - Terry Hargrave, PhD, Keynote Address, Smart Marriages Conference Denver
- How Therapy Can be Hazardous to Your Marital Health - William Doherty, Keynote Address, Smart Marriages Conference
- Healing from Infidelity- Michele Weiner-Davis, Parade, March 18, 2001 <>- The Seven Rules of Passion - Pat Love, Smart Marriages keynote, Dallas, 2005
• Feeling Their Pain: Steven Stosny says he can break the cycle of domestic violence - Annys Shin, City Paper
• Do Your Kids a Favor: Put them second after your marriage - Working Mother
• When A Family Man Thinks Twice - Josh Coleman, San Francisco Chronicle,
• What are Men for, Anyway? - Frank Pittman, Smart Marriages Keynote
• Unnatural Selection: He's Not My Type - Leslie Bennetts, Tango Magazine, Nov/Dec 2006
6. More Guides and tips: Marriage Articles in the Popular Press:
- Love Lessons- Hara Estroff Marano, Psychology Today **Introto six marriage education courses
- The Divorce Backlash - Elise Pettus,,
- Staying Together - Liz Doup, Miami Herald
- Newlyweds Tap Mentors - Carol Bidwell, Los Angeles Daily News
- A Visit To The Marriage Doctor -New Woman**first person account on attending Gottman course
- Get Marriage Off The Back Burner - Topeka Capital-Journal
- Heads I Stay, Tails I Leave. . . Psychology Today
- Marriage Is Back - Want To Be Hip? Stay Together - Christina Del Valle, Newsday
- Love, Honor, PREPARE - Linda Banard, Toronto Sun
- Couples Can Tie The Knot Tighter - Mike McManus, Syndicated Column,
- A New Focus On Family Values - Hara Marano,Psychology Today
- Couples Try Harder To Stay Wed - Marilyn Gardner, ChristianScience Monitor
- Ties That Bind - Bonnie Ruben, Good Housekeeping
- Marriage: The Owner's Guide is in Works - Ann Doss Helms,The Charlotte Observer
- How Grownups Do Marriage - Frank Pittman, from "Grow Up!"Golden Books, 1998
- Debunking Marriage Myths - Hara Marano, New York Times
- Can Violent Relationships Be Healed? -Mike McManus
- Building a Better Marriage - Michael Gillis, Chicago Sun
- Is Money Ruining Your Marriage? - Prep course tackles the issue, Money Magazine.
- Too Busy For Love? Supercouple Syndrome - Wayne & Mary Sotile
- Keeping The Romance Alive - On Attending the Hot Monogamy Program, A First Person Account, Style
- Love Recipe- Dr. Pat Love, Elegant Bride
7. Marriage Education: Health and Workplace Issues
8. Stepfamilies
9. School and Youth Marriage Education Programs:
- Directory of Youth and School-Based MarriageEducation Programs
- Can Kids Get Smart About Marriage?- Report on school programs from the National Marriage Project, Marline Pearson
- The Case for Skills - Diane Sollee, September
- The Florida Marriage Preparation and Preservation Act of 1998 (the first 16 pgs of the 166 pg document which is the pertinent section)
For the full text of the bill, located on the Florida Legislative site, click here. - The Florida High School Marriage Education Legislation - Diane Sollee
- Florida Passes Sweeping Reform Of Marriage Law -Mike McManus, May, 16, 1998
- Schools to Teach The Lessons of Marriage- Karen Peterson,USA Today
- CONNECTIONS: School Program - Nelda Stuck, Our Town Editor
- Debate Over Marriage Education for High School Students - Tamar Lewin, New York Times
- He Said...She Said - California Educator