906 Two Day - Monday & Tuesday, July 12 & 13
How to Avoid Falling For a Jerk
John Van Epp, PhD
Become certified: teach singles of all ages how to pace a relationship
with the Relationship Attachment Model (RAM) and select a life partner.
Teach groups in churches, schools & in the military. $100 spouse discount.
P.I.C.K. a Partner/How to Avoid Falling For a Jerk Instructor Certification Training
Premarital Interpersonal Choices & Knowledge (PICK)
John Van Epp, PhD
The PICK Instructor Certification Course provides a thorough educational training both about relationships (boundaries, attachment, intimacy, trust, sex and commitment) and the five areas identified in research that are essential to explore in the premarital relationship. It prepares instructors to be able to teach the 5-session adult basic course with the lesson plans. These five, two-hour sessions are a practical and in-depth understanding of the ways to apply the Relationship Attachment Model (R.A.M.) to pacing the development of a romantic relationship.
It also prepares instructors to teach the young adult 5-session and the 10-session versions which are applicable to junior and senior high educational and church settings. This training also reviews the Parent Guide that is a companion to the young adult versions and can be given to parents or used in a parent seminar. There is a college course and a Christian version that are also overviewed. Finally, the PICK after-school club material and its various applications will be reviewed.
Major areas presented in the training include: intimacy and romantic love; how trust is developed; emotional dependence and attachment; commitment and a love bond; sexual involvement and personal boundaries; predictors of marital satisfaction; family background and mate choice; the role of the conscience in marital relationships; communication and conflict management skills and marital success; and areas of compatibility to consider in the premarital process.
* You will understand the importance of pacing a romantic relationship.
* You will learn the major areas to get to know about someone you are dating:
a. Family dynamics that predict future marriage patterns.
b. Attitudes and actions of someone’s conscience.
c. Compatibility potential between you and the person you are dating.
d. Examples of how a person acts from learning about previous relationships.
e. Skills a person has in communication and conflict resolution.
* You will thoroughly understand the Relationship Attachment Model (R.A.M.):
* You will gain answers to the most commonly asked questions about premarital relationships and marital choice.
* You will deepen your confidence in dating relationships and your future choice of a spouse.
* You will explore common problems that lead to poor choices.
* You will learn various formats that can be used to teach the PICK versions: classroom, retreat, 1- and 2-day structures, and premarital counseling formats.
* You will explore the "village" mission of
* You will review feedback forms available for data collection
Materials you will receive:
• Instructor Manual (3-Ring Binder)
• Detailed Lesson Plans
• Group discussion questions
• Exercises and Group activities
• PICK Instructor Course on DVD
• PICK Program on DVD
• Power Point of the Course
• Evaluation/Feedback forms
• 2' x 3' Display Board of the Relationship Attachment Model (RAM)
Additional materials you will receive access to:
• Spanish and Mandarin translations of the Instructor lesson plans
• Young Adult 10-session lesson plans
• College course and lesson plans
• Supplemental lesson plans
• Additional power points
• Marketing artwork and templates
PICK (How to Avoid Falling for a Jerk) is taught in thousands of churches, singles organizations, educational settings and social agencies in all fifty states, ten countries and by more than 2,500 military personnel. The PICK course and the Relationship Attachment Model were awarded the Smart Marriage Impact Award (2008) and have been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, Psychology Today, O Magazine, and Cosmopolitan; and on the CBS Early Show, the O’Reilly Factor, Fox News, and Focus on the Family.
I just received the training in P.I.C.K. and L.I.N.K.S. I have been a social worker for
30+ years doing family and marital therapy. I have never been so excited about an
approach or training. You are a consummate presenter, and your approach fits
beautifully with so many different treatment approaches. I left the training pumped
about teaching this to singles and couples. My wife and I co-teach marriage
enrichment seminars here at Catholic Social Services, and we have been involved in
Worldwide Marriage Encounter for several years, and the R.A.M. approach offers a
fresh way to work with both singles and couples, far beyond what we have experienced previously.
- Steve White
“As a senior leader of a very large organization and military installation, I strongly
recommend Van Epp’s programs for mid-and senior-level military leaders. Those
who take to heart this counsel can not only improve their own personal relationships,
but help foster stronger families in the units and communities for which they are responsible.”
- Colonel Michael Simone, Retired Commandant of the Defense Language Institute at
Presidio Army Base in Monterey, CA
“This was a very positive and inviting way to enrich our marital relationship. I feel
more positive about my husband’s upcoming deployment and more confident that
we will be able to ‘weather the storm.’”
- Class participant
FOR INFORMATION: www.nojerks.com
This institute is part of the week-long Smart Marriages conference.
Register for the Institute and the Conference: Click for Information on Conference Details, to download a conference brochure, REGISTER ONLINE, hotel & travel information & discounts, etc.