The Coalition for Marriage, Family and Couples Education
is dedicated to making marriage education widely available –
to getting the information couples need to create successful marriages
out of the research labs and and clinical offices and to the public. Our goal is
to make the information user-friendly, affordable, and accessible.
We believe that people can "get smarter" about marriage and that when
they know better, they will do better.
The Coalition serves:
- as a clearinghouse to help couples find marriage
and relationship education information, classes, DVDs, and books ;
- to help marriage counselors, clergy, mentor couples,
and lay educators find marriage education training programs
and/or TOOBs - teach-out-of-the-box programs;
- to connect those interested in the continuing
development of the field;
- to support community marriage education initiatives, legislation, and research;
-and, to help the public understand that marriage education offers an effective and affordable
solution to the epidemic of divorce and family breakdown - one that is ready NOW.
The Coalition is non-denominational, non-partisan, non-sectarian. "Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world, in fact, it's the only thing that ever has." To which we say, grab an oar! The only
membership requirement is an interest in strengthening marriages
and families
through marriage education. If you are interested, you are a member. Welcome!
There are no dues. Just start rowing. How to get started:
Subscribe to the
FREE e-newsletter/list serv (it's how we stay connected);
Work to increase the availability of marriage-strengthening classes in your own community.
If you have a Marriage Education program, classes, or resources,
List them on
the Smart Marriages Directory. If you aren't, yet, a Marriage Educator, visit the
Directory of Programs and get trained.
WHY the coalition? America's divorce rate has held steady at an unacceptable 50% for more than thirty years.
That's for first marriages. it's even higher for second and subsequent marriages – which
shows we don't learn from our mistakes. The research, however, gives us every reason to
be optimistic – it shows that we can learn through education.
Visit the Directory to find a course for yourself or family member.
The courses make great engagement, wedding, anniversary, retirement,
and new-baby gifts. There is no better gift you can give a couple than the skills
and information that them build and maintain a satisfying and stable marriage.
There is nothing better to give a new baby - or any child - than a strong family,
one he or she can relax into.
The Directory also includes information on TRAINING.
Learn how you can become an instructor and teach marriage education courses
in your church, school or community.
See the Directory for training locations across the country or for
DVD-based, teach-out-of-the-box (Toob) programs.
Research shows that lay leaders and clergy can teach the courses
as well as – or better than – mental health professionals.
You do NOT need a mental health degree or license
to be qualified to teach marriage and family education courses.
Visit the Community Marriage Initiatives page, to find out how
to get a marriage initiative going in your area or to
join one that is in place.
Visit the Marriage Reports, Legislation and Articles page
and the newseltter ARCHIVE to gather information on how
to increase rates of marriage and decrease rates of family breakdown.
Contact the Coalition for consultation on legislation or community initiatives.
Subscribe to the FREE e-newsletter.
Are you smart enough to have a Smart Marriage®?
An Optimistic View of the Future of Marriage.
The Number One predictor of Divorce?
Daily Temperature Reading - better than an apple a day to keep your marriage healthy!
We CAN do it if we -
care more than others think is wise...
dream more than others think is practical...
expect more than others think is possible...
And, row like crazy.
Diane Sollee, Director CMFCE & Smart Marriages
Quotes to keep us rowing.....
The Coalition for Marriage, Family and Couples Education (CMFCE), LLC
Email: CMFCE@smartmarriages.com