The Case for Marriage They Don't Want You to
Maggie Gallagher
Maybe you can't judge a book by its cover, but boy, you can sure
tell a lot
from its critics.
"The Case for Marriage" (Doubleday) is a new book I
co-authored with
University of Chicago Prof. Linda Waite whose research on the
advantages of
marriage over other lifestyles is turning heads and raising
eyebrows: Should we embrace all family forms equally? Do husbands
oppress their wives and hog all the marital goodies? Is it really
true that
the single life offers more rewards for women than the average,
Well, no, no and no actually. Not if you look at the
evidence. Here's the
scientific case for marriage in a nutshell: marriage changes
men and
women's lives in powerful ways that other sorts of relationships,
such as
cohabitation, do not. Marriage is not just another lifestyle, but
productive, wealth-creating institution that (like education)
builds human
and social capital and (like education) therefore deserves public
Linda Waite and I call for innovative new public and community
efforts to
strengthen marriage, and reduce divorce.
Divorce, these days, is too-often framed as the gateway to
happiness for
adults, which they must (or must not) sacrifice for their kids
sake. But
for some time now I've wondered whether fewer divorces would
require such
awful sacrifice from adults. "Divorce and be happy - or stay
married and
miserable for the kids' sake" is the way most Americans now frame
question. Framed that way, just a third of Americans, now believe
should stay married for the children's sake.
But what about the other possible outcomes? For example,
you could divorce
and be miserable, right? If divorce is such a great way to fulfil
why is it that just 18 percent of divorced persons say they are
happy"? Why are married women much, much happier than divorced,
married or even cohabiting women?
Then again, there's that other pesky possibility: stay married
and get
happier. In the Case for Marriage we looked at what happens to bad
that don't end. The turnarounds were shocking: Five years
later, 77 percent
of very unhappily couples that stayed married now called their
either "very happy" or "quite happy." A bad marriage is not a
hard fact.
It's a judgement by one person at one moment in time about a future
that can
change. Just as good marriages go bad, bad marriage "go good"
and they are
more likely to do so in a society that strongly prefers staying
married to
This is pretty interesting stuff, right? As is the news
that says, marriage
reduces domestic violence, or that 3 out of ten middle-aged guys
who aren't
married will likely die prematurely as a result, to list just two
of new data. So its pretty curious to me that the first two reviews
out of
the box by the alleged cultural elite, one by Nation editor Katha
Pollit in
Slate and one by Margaret Talbot in the October 1 Sunday New York
Times are
not only negative but actually dismiss The Case for Marriage as
"old news"
about a debate nobody care about. (If you doubt me, you can read
them at
Curious too such prestigious editors assigned The Case for
Marriage to
writers who have published articles condemning me and anybody else
wants to reduce divorce. Curious most especially that Pollit calls
The Case
for Marriage a "clip job" and Talbot implies (either ignorantly or
out of
malice) that Linda Waite is just some second-rate ideologue instead
of a top
family scholar. Finally, curiouser and curiouser isn't it, that two
keen intellects cannot seem to locate a marriage debate in America
just a
few weeks after Time magazine put "Who Needs a Husband?" on the
front cover?
All of which makes me wonder: What exactly is it about this new
case for
marriage the divorce advocates don't want you to hear?
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