Develop your own program agenda by selecting the sessions that best apply to your current settings, practice or life situation. Conference sessions fall into many categories - many interest areas or tracks. You can follow one theme (i.e. Stepfamilis or Mentor Programs) or mix and match. Sessions are sorted below by Categories/Interest Areas to make it easier to make selections. The public (couples & singles) attend sessions alongside mental health professionals.
TOOBs and FOOBS - the "Teach Out of the Box" and "Free Online Out-of-the-Box" Programs - dozens from which to choose. No training necessary, just open the box and teach.
For Clinicians - Working with couples, individuals and families in private practice or agency settings.
Mentor Training - Lay educators/mentor couples/non-professionals can teach marriage education courses as well as - or better - than licensed mental health professionals.
Faith-Based - or taught in faith settings
Mindfulness - becoming aware, more present, empathic, compassionate.
Community Healthy Marriage Initiatives (CHMI) - grant writing; community organizing; research & evaluation; assessing for domestic violence; adapting for low-income and target populations; recruitment, NETWORKING, etc.
Low-Income/Fragile Families - Train and certify to work with this population in any setting.
MARKETING & FUNDRAISING - how to fund & fill your marriage education classes and keep both coming (funding and attendees)!
Sex and Infidelity - Venus on Fire/Mars on Ice, Erotic Intelligence, The Sexy Brain, Hot Monogamy, Marital Sex as It Ought to Be; Affair Prevention and Recovery, Men and Sex; Biblical Sex, etc etc.
Tools and skills - improve your teaching skills, discover new tools for your marriage ed classes or your practice.
Just for COUPLES - attend and make your good thing better or rescue your relationship from the brink.
What's New - we bring back the winners each year, the top-rated sessions, but we also add lots of brand new stuff. Here's the "what's new" list to help returning members register.
Let's Have FUN - include these sessions in your schedule to move around, laugh out loud, and learn while you play! Or, send your non-marriage-professional spouse.
Stepfamilies - Training Institutes; TOOB Trainings; Stepcouples and Parenting; ReMarriage Preparation; etc.
Singles - Train, learn, mix and mingle.
Domestic Violence - Violence, emotional abuse, substance abuse, etc
Parenting - Parenting curricula from the becoming-parents stage through adolescents to getting them launched.
Men/Fathers/Husbands - how to reach them/what to teach them -OR- programs/presenters highly rated by male attendees.
Women/Girls/Mothers - programs to appeal to female audiences
African American - Programs/Curricula designed specifically for working with African American couples.
Latino/Hispanic - Programs/Curricula for working with Latino couples and families.
School/Youth Programs - We have to start with the kids! Be sure there are
school/youth programs in your area and in your Community Marriage Initiative blueprint.
Workplace - How and why businesses are the obvious place to provide marriage strengthening service.
Special Settings/Populations/Challenges - Health settings, prisons, military, workplace.
Head Start - Programs being used with in Head Start settings.
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