You can chart a course and spend intensive hrs absorbing Stanley's research-based approaches to helping singles and couples decide vs slide into healthy, satisfying relationships with innovative ways to maintain what they've created. Here are all the ways to spend face time with him in Orlando. In the meantime, follow Scott on his Blog: http://slidingvsdeciding.blogspot.com
Keynote: P-2 Friday, July 9, 8:30am
Research, Innovation, Delivery
Howard Markman, PhD
Scott Stanley, PhD
Frank Fincham, PhD
We can help couples succeed but only if we reach them. Understand
the latest research on innovative methods to reach individuals and couples
with intervetions and information that include content tuned to their
interests and needs, delivered through channels optimized for their access.
101 Three Day Training Institute - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday July 6, 7, 8
PREP 7.0
Howard Markman, PhD, Scott Stanley, PhD
Qualify to teach PREP 7.0 – personality types, stress management, mutual support,
and love-styles included along with classic PREP concepts. Perfect for pre-engaged
through long-married couples. 52 activities, video clips, and class discussion will
further your ability to help couples enhance their relationships and decrease their
odds of divorce. $150 spouse discount. Discount couples will receive two leader
manuals but will share the instructor kit and book.
Click for more information: http://www.smartmarriages.com/prep.html
Dating and Cohabiting Couples
Scott Stanley, PhD, Galena Rhoades, PhD
The latest research on relationship formation and
commitment identifies the most effective ways to
recruit and work with dating and cohabiting couples
and singles to impact their future marital success.
The Prayer Journal – TOOB
Scott Stanley, PhD, Tera Hurt, PhD,
Regero Sampson, MSW
Create powerful, lasting change by engaging
deeper meaning systems. Use with individuals
or couples, in counseling or education, as an
add-on to any program, in couples, men’s groups, etc.
Domestic Violence: To Screen, Or Not To Screen?
Scott Stanley, PhD, Anne Menard, Patrick Patterson, MSW, MPH
That’s just one question marriage & relationship
educators must ask. How do we best protect –
and serve – couples? Lessons learned in the PREP
program plus tools & guidelines from the NHMRC.
The Scott Stanley sessions below were recorded live at the
13th Annual 2009 Smart Marriages Conference and are available on
DVD, CD or MP3 at 800-241-7785 or at
Audio: CD or MP3/Ipod downloads $15.95 each.
Video DVDs are available of all Keynote sessions - $29.95
#759-P4 - KEYNOTE - Thurs, July 9, 8:30am
> Living With Cohabitation
> Scott Stanley, PhD
> Galena Rhoades, PhD
> While cohabitation before marriage has become common, it remains
> associated with increased risks. Exciting NEW findings will be presented
> along with empirically-based strategies for your work in marriage and
> relationship education.
> 759-218 - Thursday, July 9
> Strong Bonds: Helping Those That Serve
> Scott Stanley, PhD, Michael Strohm, MDiv, MS, Howard Markman, PhD
> Learn how the Army is strengthening marriage, exciting research about what
> works, new PTSD findings, and how the research will inform future work with
> young military and civilian couples.