Faith-based programs or tools, or adapted to be taught or frequently
presented in faith settings.
Attend the Morning Roundtables Friday, Saturday & Sunday Mornings at 7:30am
to include the Marriage Ministry Roundtable, where folks will share what has worked
– or, not – in their congregation; the Community Marriage Policy Roundtable where Mike McManus
will talk about how to establish and maintain and church/mentor-based
CMP; and Roundtables focused on working with African American, Latino and Asian
Training Institutes:
While ALL the Institute programs are suitable for presentation in a faith-based setting and/or
have Christian editions, these are several that are highly targeted to faith-based delivery.
Training Institutes are highly intensive, skills-focused sessions and will not be recorded. 118 One Day - Thursday, July 8
Toward A Growing Marriage & The Five Love Languages
Gary Chapman, PhD
Gain practical ideas to create a Marriage Ministry in your church that will help
couples build strong marriage and thriving families. Leave equipped to teach the
Growing Marriage or the Five Love Languages programs. Or, attend simply to
spend the day with Gary Chapman to strengthen and grow your own marriage or
relationship. $50 spouse discount.
Click for more information:
Post - Conference Training Institute
902 Two Day - Monday & Tuesday, July 12 & 13
Adventures in Marriage
Lori Gordon, PhD, MSW, Richard Albertson, Rob Harrison, MA
Qualify to teach this new program for couples that combines Christian principles with
Passage to Intimacy skills for confiding, resolving conflict, expressing anger, and
understanding how personality styles impact relationships. $100 spouse discount.
Click for more information:
These sessions will be recorded live at the
14th Annual 2010 Smart Marriages Conference and will be available on
DVD, CD or MP3 at 800-241-7785 or at
Audio: CD or MP3/Ipod downloads $15.95 each.
Video DVDs are available of all Keynote sessions - $29.95
Celebrate Your Marriage – TOOB
Jay and Laura Laffoon
This 8-session, DVD, faith-based program teaches
5 essential actions that foster an environment of hope.
Humor driven, interactive. Use with any marriage
education program.
Sex and Romance in the Biblical Marriage – TOOB
Hon Jim Sheridan, JD, MBA
Scripture describes marriage as a relationship
between equals filled with passion and love. Learn
how to put this into practice with disagreements,
sex, and the realities of lifelong marriage.
HOPE Weekend: Educational Intensives
Rick Marks, PhD, Tabitha Staier, PhD, CFLE
This program combines attachment, communication,
emotional regulation, self-awareness and self-management
skills with principles of faith to restore marriages in crisis.
***313Establishing a Marriage Ministry in Your Church
Richard Albertson, Rob Harrison, MA
Learn about the rich variety of effective, affordable,
mentor-based, easy-to-teach programs, do’s and don’ts,
and roadmaps for success.
The Prayer Journal – TOOB
Scott Stanley, PhD, Tera Hurt, PhD,
Regero Sampson, MSW
Create powerful, lasting change by engaging
deeper meaning systems. Use with individuals
or couples, in counseling or education, as an
add-on to any program, in couples, men’s groups, etc. 505
A New Way to Love – TOOB
Harville Hendrix, PhD, Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD
This Imago faith-based course guides couples
in finding God's purpose for their marriage,
deepening their connection, and starting a
grass-roots movement of couples teaching couples.
Successful Stepfamilies – TOOB
Ron Deal, MMFT
This 8-sesssion, DVD & faith based program
teaches specific skills to target stepfamily
challenges identified in research for The
Remarriage Checkup.
For Christian Lovers Only – TOOB
Clarence Walker, PhD, Ja’Ola Walker, MEd, DD
Work with African American marriages using
this 3-part Bible and research-based program
in church or community settings – intimacy
retreats, skills, skits, music, & group discussions.
604 The Five Keys to an Incredible Marriage – TOOB
Tim Gardner, MA, DMin
Teach couples to remember 5 proven keys to
a great, fulfilling marriage on one hand…and
it’s guaranteed they’ll never forget them. Faith
& research-based, entertaining, & interactive.
Usually $29.95, free here.
ProSAAM: Strong African American Marriages – TOOB
Tera Hurt, PhD, Regero Sampson, MSW
Learn how to deliver this PREP-based, innovative
program to African American couples. Includes
effects of racism, using prayer for conflict
resolution and growth, and retention.
Prison Re-entry Programs
Teach marriage, relationship, & fatherhood skills
to strengthen families and reduce recidivism, plus
how to sell the idea to local officials; funding and evaluation.
Keeping FAITH (Families And Inmates Together in Harmony)
- Ron & Cathy Tijerina
Inside/Out Dads - Ken Gosnell, MDiv, MA - TOOB
PREP & Pick-A-Partner in Michigan prisons - TOOB
- Kelly Sigler, Jim Sheridan, JD, MBA
10 Great Dates for Black Couples – TOOB
Rozario Slack, DMin, Angela Slack, MD
This program combines fun dates and marriage skills – and appeals to men! Based on the proven
insights of the Arps' 10 Great Dates program.
Teach in your church or community.
The Seven Desires of Every Heart
Debbie and Mark Laaser, PhD, MDiv
All couple problems can be traced to unmet
desires of the heart. Understand the 7 desires
in terms of Satir’s Iceberg Model and learn to
use them to reach deeper spiritual connection
& intimacy
The sessions below were recorded live at the
13th Annual 2009 Smart Marriages Conference and are available on
DVD, CD or MP3 at 800-241-7785 or at
Audio: CD or MP3/Ipod downloads $15.95 each.
Video DVDs are available of all Keynote sessions - $29.95
Lunch-Wed, July 8 - 11:30am-1:30pm
Luncheon Keynote
Strengthening Marriage One Church at a Time
Stephen and Alex Kendrick, co-producers, Fireproof
P-4 Thurs, July 9, 3:45pm
I Say a Little Prayer For You
Steven Beach, PhD, Frank Fincham, PhD, Tera Hurt, PhD
Learn how this project added prayer to engage rural African
Americans to create powerful lasting change by engaging deeper
meaning sytems; how prayer enhanced learning; and how to add
prayer to your work with individuals or couples in clinical or educational
settings or as an add-on to any program.
Marriage Ministry Program
Ruth & Ralph Johnson, PhD
Developed in 110 parishes/churches, this highly-successful
program serves youth, the engaged, and couples while building
leadership and strengthening and energizing the church community.
Strengthening Marriage in the Black Community
Diann Dawson, JD, MSW, Nisa Muhammad,
Patrick Patterson, MSW, MPH, Rozario Slack, DMin
Black Marriage Day, community leadership, getting
denominations and organizations on board, fatherhood,
kids, special curricula – brainstorm ideas for revitalizing
Black marriages.
The Third Option – TOOB
Pat Ennis, MSW and a mentor couple
Give couples a THIRD option – not endurance, not divorce.
This enrichment/crisis group program is ongoing! Couples
attend when and as needed. Self-contained manual – easy to implement!
Successful Marriage Ministries
Andrew Boswell, DMin, Terry Northcutt
Too many marriage ministries burn out through well-intentioned
but frenzied activities. This comprehensive, lay-led approach
provides services to couples at every stage and level of need.
The 50-Year Plan – TOOB
Richard Albertson
Give couples a powerful start with a comprehensive program that
includes a new, affordable inventory, workbooks, communication
skills, finances, and mentoring.
The Marriage Course – TOOB
Derek and Cathy Rust
This practical, DVD-based dinner format is easy for lay couples
to teach, transforms & strengthens any relationship (married or
cohabiting), and draws couples in “like magic”.
Community Marriage Policies (CMPs)
Mike and Harriet McManus
Learn how to organize a CMP in your area by creating
Marriage Savers Congregations that train Mentor Couples
to drastically reduce divorce and cohabitation rates, and
increase marriage rates.
Healthy Marriage/Healthy Church
Jay and Laura Laffoon
Marriages are the backbone of communities & churches. This
12-month, affordable, internet-based training presents 5 "E"-ssentials
to develop & sustain a successful mentor-based ministry.
The Marriage Turnaround
Mitch Temple, MS
Common marriage myths lead to distorted thinking and
marriage-destroying behaviors. Get a thinking tune-up and
take your marriage to higher ground. Faith-based.
The sessions below were recorded live at the
12th Annual 2008 Smart Marriages Conference and are available
on CD or MP3 at 800-241-7785 or at
Audio: CD or MP3/Ipod downloads $15.95 each.
Video DVDs are available of all Keynote sessions - $29.95
B-1 Tues, July 2, 6:30pm
BANQUET Keynote and Awards Dinner
IMAGO: Couplehood as a Spiritual Path
Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhDs
Couplehood can be the most powerful and effective path
for emotional healing and spiritual growth. Understand the
potential of viewing couplehood as a spiritual path and
the transformative power of using Imago Dialogue as
a spiritual practice.
The Marriage Course - TOOB
Nicky & Sila Lee
This practical, DVD-based dinner format is easy for
lay couples to teach, transforms & strengthens any
relationship (married or cohabiting), and draws couples
in “like magic”. Based on the famed Alpha course.
Changing the World Through Marriage Ministries
Dennis Stoica, MBA
Learn how and why Marriage Ministries are the most effective
action churches can take to make a positive impact on the world.
Don’t just preach love, teach it! Includes a roadmap to success.
Sex and Romance in the Biblical Marriage – TOOB
Hon Jim Sheridan, JD, MBA
Scripture describes marriage as a relationship between
equals filled with passion and love. Learn how to put
this into practice with disagreements, sex, and the
realities of lifelong marriage.
For Better and For Ever: Mentor Training – TOOB
Rev Robert Ruhnke, DMin
Recruit and train couples in your church to mentor
the engaged in communication, responsibility, and
family-of-origin issues. Catholic (also Spanish),
Covenant (secular), and Protestant editions.
Marriage Savers for Cohabiting Couples
Mike and Harriet McManus
Half of couples live together before marriage. This
faith-based marriage preparation model uses mentors
& an inventory to improve these couples’ odds.
Adaptations for low-income, out-of-wedlock parents.
Between Two Worlds
Elizabeth Marquardt, MDiv
Even in the best divorces, kids live divided lives in
which they struggle to understand their parents'
behavior, negotiate tangled family systems, and
develop values and beliefs.
The Marriage Preparation Course – TOOB
Nicky & Sila Lee
Learn to teach the course and also to recruit & train mentor
couples so that the program basically runs itself. Practical,
5-session, DVD-dinner format, inventory, and mentor-couple based.
Retrouvaille: No Such Thing as A Hopeless Case
Shawn and Kim Doyle
Restore even the most troubled marriages with this 3-month
program in which those who have "been to the brink" teach
others how to heal. Learn how to create a program in your community.
Marriage Mentoring: 12 Conversations – TOOB
Ed Gray, EdD
Mentoring is easy! Learn the 4 basic approaches. Teach
the narrative, story-telling model and organize a mentoring
program for your church, community, military, or Spanish mentors.
Community Marriage Policies (CMPs)
Mike and Harriet McManus
Learn how to organize a CMP in your area by creating Marriage Savers
Congregations that train Mentor Couples to drastically reduce
divorce and cohabitation rates, and increase marriage rates.
Prayer and Marriage Education
Steven Beach, PhD, Frank Fincham, PhD, Tera Hurt, PhD
Learn how this project added prayer to engage rural African
Americans; how prayer enhanced learning; and how to add
prayer to any existing marriage program.
The Spiritual Dimensions of Marriage
Ray Silverman, PhD, Star Silverman, MA
Learn how to understand everyday marriage advice
about commitment, communication and conflict in a
faith-based framework that will enable you to work
together on spiritual growth.
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