States: [ District of Columbia ]
A Center For Relationships (DC Metro Area): Lynn Turner
A center dedicated to building stronger, healthier relationships for couples, families, children and individuals and offering PAIRS in short and long formats, teaches the skills for creating and sustaining intimacy. Participants learn that differences are natural and can enhance rather than detract...
Marriage Success Training: premarital education seminars: Greg & Patricia Kuhlman
Marriage preparation in New York, NY, Washington, DC, Chicago, IL, Boston, MA for premarital couples and newlyweds. One-day, Sat., 9am-6pm. Build the foundation for your lifetime together. Small, religion-neutral, led by professional married couple, based on latest marriage research. Fun,...
PAIRS in Northern Virginia (VA),Washington DC, Maryland (MD) - Chuck & Ellen Purcell
This internationally renowned program for couples enhances emotional literacy and cuts through the mystery of how to be in a relationship. PAIRS’ challenging and enjoyable format teaches dozens of practical, effective skills to enrich your life. The curriculum includes: Communication Skills,...
PAIRS Pre-Marital Workshop/DC Area - Ellen & Chuck Purcell
Fun, easy-to-learn tools including: Relationship Road Map, Daily Temperature Reading, Dialogue Guide, Emotional Jug, Caring Behaviors. Classroom setting, knowledge and skills training, not counseling or group sharing. Male-friendly. Monthly schedule in Reston, Virginia (VA). Sundays, 1-5pm. Only...
Total 1 pages.
Application Log
  CategoryMessageTime Spent (s)Cumulated Time Spent (s)
  Application Adding state restrictions: Array ( [0] => DC ) 0.000101 0.000101
  Application Criteria: SQL (may not be complete): SELECT DISTINCT FROM `programs` WHERE programs.STATES REGEXP ? ORDER BY programs.TITLE ASC Params: programs.STATES => '(^|\\|)DC(\\||$)' 0.005365 0.005466
  Application Getting pager results for page : 1 0.000000 0.005466