A center dedicated to building stronger, healthier relationships for
couples, families, children and individuals and offering PAIRS in short
and long formats, teaches the skills for creating and sustaining intimacy.
Participants learn that differences are natural and can enhance rather
than detract from relationships. The course is fun, insightful, and
brings into awareness old emotions, attitudes and behaviors
that are resolved with heartfelt exercises.An Enneagram Temperament
Seminar is offered twice annually to enhance couple understanding
of innate difference creating complementarity rather than conflict.
Schedule in Alexandria, Virginia: See website for additional dates
PAIRS Passage to Intimacy Weekend: Oct 10-12, Fri 7-10, Sat 1-6, Sun 10-2
$700 per cpl; $350 pp.
PAIRS Package: includes Enneagram Seminar, Wed, Oct 1st, 6:30-9:30,
$750 cpl, $325 pp
Enneagram Seminar alone: Wed, Oct 1st, 6:30-9:30pm,
$45pp, includes booklet.
Sign up on website.
Serving Virginia - VA, Washington, DC, and Maryland - MD
3 blocks from the King St Metro