Institute  - Marriage LINKS
Instructor Certification Training
John Van Epp, PhD
Post-Conference, One-day Training Institute, Monday, June 26, 8am-5pm.

This one-day institute qualifies you to teach the Marriage LINKS program.

Train and certify to teach Marriage LINKS and learn to help couples achieve
AND maintain the lasting, satisfying marriages of their dreams.   This training will
provide you with a deeper understanding of the material and the techniques and
tools for teaching couples and leading in-depth discussion in various group formats.
An online test is required after the completion of the Institute for final certification
(it’s not that difficult!).

The Relationship Attachment Model (RAM) has been used empirically validated
in the PICK Program for pacing the development of a new relationship. Now married
couples can use the RAM for maintaining the harmony of an ongoing relationship.
Receive tools for managing crucial relationship bonds such as mutually knowing
each other (talking, togetherness), trusting in (keeping positive/respectful opinions),
depending on (mutually meeting needs), committing to (cultivating deep feelings of
belonging together), and sexually fulfilling each other.

Intimacy is produced by these five dynamics working together -- if one is neglected or
weakened then the others are also affected. Gain skills for communication, conflict
resolution, forgiveness and rebuilding trust, identifying and satisfying personal needs,
constructing a marriage story, and growing sexually. Unhealthy marriage patterns are
identified/ described.

Major areas of research covered will include: intimacy and romantic love; how trust is
developed and maintained; forgiveness in marital relations; resiliency and commitment
in marriage; emotional styles and expression in marriage; attachment/closeness in adult
relationships; sexual intimacy in marriage; personal boundaries and affairs; and predictors
of marital satisfaction.

A marital maintenance meeting is prescribed -- an essential meeting that follows the
agenda of the RAM.


-    Review and analyze research on marital intimacy and satisfaction.
-    Construct the theoretical basis for a model of marital intimacy (RAM).
-    Describe and apply communication skills needed to achieve marital closeness.
-    Propose skill exercises for maintaining intimacy.
-    Provide a framework for differentiating between healthy and unhealthy relationship patterns.
-    Construct an approach for facilitating forgiveness, building trust, and overcoming challenges
      and crises.
-    Provide a utilitarian framework that couples can regularly use to maintain the important areas
      of intimacy their marriage.
-    Discuss implementation of program in various settings and group formations.

Materials you will receive:
•    Instructor Manual (3-Ring Binder)
•    Research and Theory Notes
•    Detailed Lesson Plans
•    Group discussion questions
•    Exercises and Group activities
•    Bible study for each of the five lessons

Additional Materials ($75)

•    LoveThinks Marriage video
•    Power Point of the Course
•   2'  x 3' Display Board of the Relationship Attachment Model (RAM)

“As a senior leader of a very large organization and military installation, I strongly
recommend Van Epp’s program for mid-and senior-level military leaders. Couples
who take to heart this counsel can not only improve their own personal relationships,
but help foster stronger families in the units and communities for which they are responsible.”
 - Colonel Michael Simone, Retired Commandant of the Defense Language Institute at
Presidio Army Base in Monterey, CA

“This was a very positive and inviting way to enrich our marital relationship. I feel
more positive about my husband’s upcoming deployment and more confident that
we will be able to ‘weather the storm.’”

- Class participant

“I really like the RAM model. It will help us better understand areas of importance
in our marriage, and how to dialogue about them. The commitment section was exceptionally
clear and well-developed.”

- Class participant

“Understanding how high and low sex drive people can get along better in marriage
was the most significant gain for me.”

- Class participant

“This program organized and put into words chaotic thoughts that I have had for a long,
long time. You put terminology to what we have been living- and have given us
clarity to our lives. I felt it was very comprehensive!”
- Class participant

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