Name of Organization
Meeting Location
Date/Duration of Meeting
Title of the Meeting
8:30-9:00 Networking Breakfast
9:00-9:30 Welcome and Introductions
Introduce the program’s core staff
Introduce the coalition members and their roles
Introduce meeting participants and describe the range of
sectors represented (i.e., state/federal, fatherhood programs,
local residents, child advocates, clinicians, domestic
violence, faith-based groups, local businesses)
9:30-10:00 Motivational Speaker
Present a motivational guest speaker with a personal
10:00-10:45 Overview of the Program
Describe the issues in the community that led to developing
the program (i.e., describe relevant community statistics)
Describe the mission and objectives of the program
Describe the program’s model and service strategy
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-12:00 Special Guest Speaker
Identify a national or locally known expert in the field.
Also could be a government official who is supportive of the
12:00-1:00 Networking Lunch
1:00-3:00 Roundtable Discussions
Convene separate roundtable groups to discuss specific topics
or issues of concern in the community. Could also convene one
roundtable discussion focused on a specific issue. Here is a list
of sample topic areas presented at other meetings:
o Restoring the Institution of Marriage
o Making the Case for Marriage
o The Promise of Prevention: Couples and Marriage Education
o How to Understand and Strengthen Relationships in Low Income
o The Role of Marriage Mentoring
3:00-3:30 Closing Comments
Provide an overview of next steps for the program and
Solicit participants’ interest in being involved in the
Be clear about meeting dates
Confirm commitments from stakeholders and assign
responsibility for actions
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