Michelle Joy, MFT and Dan Joy
Marriage Prep 101 Workshop in San Francisco, California for Engaged, Newlywed and Seriously Dating Couples is led by Michelle Joy, MFT and Dan Joy. Communicate better, enhance strengths, create more closeness and connection, manage conflicts and discuss time, sex, money, intimacy and more.
Positive, proactive, intentional and FUN in San Francisco. Non-religious, and couples of all faiths and backgrounds welcome. Visit MarriagePrep101.com for schedule
Marriage Prep 101 Schedule:
Fridays 7-10 pm & Saturday 9-5
Fort Mason Center, San Francisco
May 13-14, 2016
June 24-25, 2016
August 12-13, 2016
September 30-October 1, 2016
November 4-5, 2016