Restored and Remarried Seminars - Gil & Brenda Stuart
Restored and Remarried (R & R) was created by a couple who is living the stepfamily experience. Gil and Brenda bring hard-earned “dirt under the fingernails” wisdom to equip and encourage remarried couples and those contemplating remarriage. R & R offers live seminars, secular or faith based, workshops, an 8-week small group workbook, and the book, Restored and Remarried. Seminar topics include communication, trust, expectations, kids, in-laws/ex-laws, money, and sex with plenty of time built in for couples to absorb and discuss the concepts. Their emphasis is on the couple relationship and their motto is “If you ain’t got the marriage, you ain’t got nothin’.” Gil and Brenda also offer a seminar, “Your Marriage…What’s in Your Rear View Mirror?” speaking to ALL marriage.
Brenda Stuart
Vancouver, Washington