Couple Links: Relationship Board Game/Barbara Jenkins
Couple Links is a fun and exciting board game where two to four couples compete by answering real-life questions about their partner's likes, dislikes and views on various situations. Matching answers advance a couple through three relationship stages: Honeymoon, Reality and the Golden Stage. Unmatched answers can land them in The Doghouse'. A partner in the Doghouse must perform a "true love connection" task supplied on a Get-Out-of-the-Doghouse card - recite a love poem, sing a ballad, etc. Couple Links gives couples the opportunity to understand, appreciate and validate each other. Includes: 565 playing cards, board game, dry erase boards, pens, pawns, two-minute timer and rules page. Patented. Some adult content. $29.95 Featured at the Orlando Smart Marriages Conference where it completely sold out. "My family played Couple Links game over the holidays. Three generations with lots of extended family and in-laws. The teenagers wanted to pair with their siblings saying they thought they could win - especially my boy-girl set of twin grandkids, aged 14, were positive they'd win. They didn't. Surprise, surprise, the longest married couple - 48 years, won. We learned all kinds of things about each other we hadn't known before and almost died laughing. Everyone loved it." - Diane Sollee, Smart Marriages
Barbara Jenkins/ J Links Enterprise
New York
(917) 378-4243