Each of the 2 hour sessions listed below was recorded live at the
10th Annual 2006 Smart Marriages Conference and is available on
CD or MP3 for $15 each at 800-241-7785 or at

CDs $15 each or order 12 or more and they're $12.50 each.

Downloads are $9.95 each.

DVDs are available of the Keynote and Special Master sessions 
- $29.95

Keynote: Message to Our Sons - on DVD, CD, MP3
Rozario Slack, DMin
Today's young men need their fathers and their elders to step up to the plate
and tell them the truth.  They need their fathers and elders to stop standing
silently by and letting them continue to make critical mistakes.  Men must tell
their sons, nephews, friends, and brothers that it takes a real man to create a
high-quality, life-long marriage and family.  That there is no greater or more
manly accomplishment. Old men must teach young men that marriage is the glue,
the crucial factor if we are to save the village.  This is what men must do.

10 Great Dates and Second Half of Marriage – MINI Training
Claudia and David Arp, MSW
Teach three proven, widely-used programs in your church and community: 10 Great Dates and
10 Great Dates for Black Couples brings couples of all stages in the door and Second Half helps
empty-nesters reinvent their relationship!

756-216 - Friday, June 23

Strengthening Marriage in the Black Community
Nisa Muhammad, Rozario Slack, DMin, Curtis Watkins, Carlis Williams, MA
Black Marriage Day, Marriage Development Accounts, getting denominations
on board, special curricula – come brainstorm ideas for revitalizing marriage in
the Black community.

756-406 - Saturday, June 24
The Black Marriage Curriculum - MINI Training
Nisa Muhammad, Rozario Slack, DMin
Black Americans are the most unmarried group in the world. Learn to teach the skills,
knowledge, and attitudes that will reverse this trend and maintain the momentum.

756-701 - Sunday, June 25, Master Session  - on DVD, CD, MP3
African American Marriage Enrichment - MINI
Lorraine Blackman, PhD
Learn tips for teaching this program that addresses the specific issues facing
African American couples. Perfect for church, school, community, and private
practice settings.

756-811 - Sunday, June 25
Celebrating Black Marriages: Arusi Style
Andrew and Terri Lyke
Experience rituals and symbols of the African American Christian community
to make your marriage all that it can be - define your marriage mission and path.
Married, engaged, dating or singles.


110 Two Days - Wednesday & Thursday: June 21, 22
The 10 Rites of Passage
Charles Lee-Johnson, MSW, Rozario Slack, DMin
This abstinence, parenthood and marriage education program teaches at-risk
youth responsibility to self, family and community with a focus on long-term life goals.
Qualifies you to teach the program and includes support in setting-up your program in
community and faith-based settings.
Click for more information: /lee.johnson.html

904Two Days - Monday & Tuesday, June 26 & 27
Exploring Relationships and Marriage with Fragile Families
Joe Jones, Julia Hayman-Hamilton, MSW, MPH, Andrew and Terri Lyke
Learn to teach a program that connects African tradition with hip-hop culture and helps
fragile couples examine their relationship, learn skills and understand the benefits of marriage.
Click for more information: /exploring.fragile.html


Catch up with efforts to strengthen African American Marriage all across the
country at the African American Healthy Marriage Initiative (AAHMI) forums
at the Smart Marriages Dallas Conference. Join the AAHMI for meetings on
Fri from 5:45-6:45pm before the banquet and the next morning, Sat from
7:30-8:15am. Look for room locations in the on-site packet. No registration
necessary, just show up and join in. Also, stop by the African American
Healthy Marriage Initiative Exhibit, gather materials and meet w/ the
leaders of the Initiative.

Below are a few of the sessions that will focus on strengthening marriage in
the black community at the upcoming Dallas conference.

Lorraine Blackman will present a 2-day pre-conference training institute in
her African American Marriage Education Program: (this session was not recorded)

> 110 Two Days - Wednesday & Thursday, June 22 & 23
> The African American Marriage Education Program:
> How To Make Your Good Thing Better
> Lorraine Blackman, PhD
> Learn to teach the knowledge, attitudes, values, and skills necessary to help
> couples create stable, committed, functional, and satisfying families.
> Includes strengthening the relationship between parents as intimate couples
> and as cooperative parents - regardless of the character of their current
> relationship. Qualifies you teach the program. $100 spouse discount.
> For more information visit: /blackman.html

You can order recordings
of these sessions at 800-241-7785.

Nisa Muhammad and Rozario Slack will introduce their new "Black Marriage
Curriculum" in a special invited Master Session on Sat morning June 25:

> #755-401 - The Black Marriage Curriculum
> Nisa Muhammad, Rozario Slack, DMin
> Black Americans are the most unmarried group in the world. Learn to teach the
> skills, knowledge and attitudes that will reverse this trend and maintain the
> momentum.

Nisa Muhammad is the founder and director of Black Marriage Day and Wedded
Bliss and will have an Exhibit. Stop and collaborate w/ her about how
you'll celebrate Black Marriage Day in your congregation or community. And,
check out the new curriculum.

On Sat afternoon, we'll feature a combined workshop/seminar on Black
Marriage Day Celebrations and also explore ideas for how to engage
congregations of various denominations in the work.

> 755-515 - Strengthening Marriage in the Black Community
> Black Marriage Day Celebrations & Getting Denominations On Board ­
> Nisa Muhammad

Recordings from the 1997 - 2004 Smart Marriages Conferences

For a quick review of programs, issues and the collected wisdom on Black Marriage and Families from past Smart Marriages Conferences, order the very SPECIAL package "Strengthening Marriage in the Black Community - 15 sessions: 10 DVD and 5 CD presentations for ONLY $89 ($315 if purchased individually). Order package #75-bc1 at 800-241-7785 or at http://playbacknow.com/cmfce

The 10 DVDs are perfect to show at marriage strengthening events in congregations or communities - and they will be great discussion/conversation starters. They also make great classroom teaching tapes. In addition to the DVD videos, the set also includes audio CDs of 5 ninety-minute workshops.

This set has it all - the challenges, history, programs, hip hop, humor, controversy - and a whole bunch of inspiration and optimism. It lets you sample speakers you might want to invite into your community for your own events. You'll learn about planting a seed, building with the storm in mind, a whole new version of active listening and a whole bunch of teaching examples and ideas. One white judge does sneak in (we couldn't edit him out as he was part of the presentation with Judge Helen Brown of Detroit as they took turns at the mic, but he's a family court judge with a whole lot of soul...so it's a case of here comes the judges.) It's also got way too much of me - especially in the first opening clip introducing Mayor/Senator Bill Hardiman, but it's the just the way the editors did it and it's not cost effective to redo the whole thing. Blessedly, you can fast forward easily to the parts you want to show - or skip!

To order, print out a pdf of the order form at http://www.playbacknow.com/cmfce/75-BC1.pdf

OR, order directly off the web site at:

Or, if those won't work just go to
http://www.playbacknow.com/cmfce and then click on the special package.

Or, if you can't make either of these work, call 800-241-7785.

SPECIAL African American Marriage DVD & CD Collection
Strengthening Marriage in the Black Community
15 sessions:
10 video on 1 DVD and 5 audio

Strengthening Marriage in the Black Community

10 Video Sessions on 1 DVD

Grand Rapids Community Marriage Policy...Mayor Bill Hardiman
Recorded at the 1998 Smart Marriages Conference

Team Parenting & The Fragile Families Network...Joe Jones
Recorded at the 1999 Smart Marriages Conference

Why Some People are Skeptical About the Marriage Agenda...Lorraine Blackman
Recorded at the 2001 Smart Marriages Conference

In the Community: Clinics, Courts & Classrooms...Judge Helen Brown & Judge Jim Sheridan
Recorded at the 2001 Smart Marriages Conference

Opening Remarks...Admiral Barry Black, DMin, PhD
Recorded at the 2002 Smart Marriages Conference

10 Rites of Passage: Abstinence, Fatherhood & Marriage...Charles Lee Johnson
Recorded at the 2002 Smart Marriages Conference

The Marriage Movement...Rev George Young
Recorded at the 2003 Smart Marriages Conference

Reviving Marriage in the Black Community...Rozario Slack & Nisa Muhammad
Recorded at the 2003 Smart Marriages Conference

Marriage Rally...Pastor Dion Evans
Recorded at the 2004 Smart Marriages Conference

TLC for African American Couples...Pat Dixon, PhD, MBA
Recorded at the 2004 Smart Marriages Conference

5 Audio Sessions

Takes Two : Restoring the Village...Michele Goss and Norman Jones
The strengths, beliefs, and attitudes of the African-American community and tools from the PAIRS course build trust, intimacy, communication and strong, proud relationships. For black singles & couples. Get on the bus!

African American Marriage Enrichment Program...Lorraine Blackman, PhD
Learn to design and implement programs specific to this population through an educational approach.

Marriage Strengthening for Low-Income, Unmarried Parents Better Together...Judith Charlick, PhD, Krsnanandini Dasi, Tariq Ziyad
Successes and challenges of developing and implementing this 8-session skills program.

Family Connections...Francesca Adler-Baeder, PhD, Alicia Luckie, MS
Lessons learned in one of the first federally-funded pilot projects teaching skills to unmarried parents.

Fatherhood and Marriage...Rozario Slack, DMin, George Young, MDiv, John Chacon
Marriage has proven to be the best path to successfully and continually engage fathers in the lives of their children. Learn about fatherhood programs that integrate marriage education & promotion.

Strengthening Marriage in the Black Community...Linda Malone-Colon, George Young, PhD
Understand where we¹re coming from, where we need to go and what couples need to know to get there. We'll look at history, challenges and specific ways to strengthen black marriages.

5 sessions on 5 cassettes or CDs
10 video sessions on 1 DVD

SPECIAL PACKAGE PRICE: $59 on MP3 or $89 on CD -
$315 if purchased individually
Item Number: 75-bc1

Michele Goss,
Norman Jones,
Lorraine Blackman,
Judith Charlick,
Krsnanandini Dasi,
Tariq Ziyad,
Francesca Adler-Baeder,
Alicia Luckie,
Rozario Slack,
George Young,
John Chacon,
Linda Malone-Colon,
Bill Hardiman,
Joe Jones,
Hon Helen Brown,
Hon Jim Sheridan,
Barry Black,
Charles Lee Johnson,
Nisa Muhammad,
Dion Evans,
Pat Dixon

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